Just send in your storys . And you could be pick to tag along with us. We will if possable camp out at the locaton over night . So want to see your nightmares come true. Just send them in and who knows. Please real story s that we could go to. But if you just want to post a ghost story send it to us. ghosts.kansas@live.com
thanks your den master Kenneth
Tell Us Your Kansas Ghost Stories !!!
The dalton boys

buried in CoffeyVille. kansas
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
Salina Central High School. More then learning happen here.
There is said to be the ghost of a young girl named Joyce,That was on her way to the auditorium. She died in a car crash and didn't make it , or so we thought.She was going to play the lead role . Now she plays a different role .One report says she messes with the plays and stuff going on in said auditorium . The drama club stayed late to rehearse for up comeing play.A girl went into the bath room and seen some one she never seen before, head down looking into the mirror . Raggedy dressed and barefoot.. The same person tell a story about going into the auditorium . All the lights where out, but one which shined directly on one seat. She went to investigate,to find that the j on the end of the ales was light up. If any body lives in Salina please post anything you know about the school or Joyce. We would love to go there to investigate more into this matter.
Thanks your den-master Kenneth.
Thanks your den-master Kenneth.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Stull Kansas / One of the Seven Gates of Hell
In small town just outside of Lawrence. Which was named Skull but was later changed to Stull after their first postmaster. It was supposedly named that because of all the witch craft and black magic along with demonic presence that was there. The best I can find is that the name was really Deer Creek community. A
small town of about twenty houses. There sits a church on a place called Emmanuel hill. Some believe its a gateway to hell. There have been reports of scratches to memory loss. Not much documented on them. Its said that there is a Times magazine article that said the pope wouldn't fly over the town on his way to Colorado. Ive looked all over for said article with no such luck. Which leads me to believe that the article was never printed. There many reports of it feeling like someone is following you around the cemetery when no one else is there. The most popular report is that it never rained in the church even though it didn't have a roof. On March 20, 1978 over a hundred and fifty people wait at the cemetery on Halloween night trying to catch a glimpse at the devil, which never showed up. The devil is supposedly there visiting some witch that's buried there. Oddly enough there is a tombstone with the name Wittich on it right by where the church stood. Another tale from Stull cemetery is one of the devil's son being buried there near the church as well. It was said that he had the ability to shape shift to animal form. The stories I find the most interesting is about the wind. The first is two men where there and a strong wind came from no where and knocked them down. The freaked out and ran out . To find there car across the street turned around. The next was a man in the church when the wind knocked him down, and held him there. It has been in many books. the most famous came from author Lisa Hetner Heitz . She said the devil appears on the last night of winter and again on Halloween . In 1989 after over 500 idiots ran a muck and destroyed some old priceless stuff, the sheriff shut it down giving everyone trespassing tickets. Do we as a society have no more respect for the dead than that? Now deputies patrol the area.There s even reports that the sheriff let everyone stay one year with a news crew till 11:30 till the owner came out and chased them away. For what? Wouldn't it be easier to let everyone see the truth? Why hide it. That's the only thing that makes me think. The town people say it is all rumors started by the college students. But why? There has to be some truth to it. If any one has any information on this one, please send it to us. We would like to go there to see what all this hype is about. Me myself think it's crap. But like I said, I am a non-believer in ghosts. So if you can prove me wrong....
Thanks your den-master Kenneth
I need you to show some love for my girl Molly
This a new site for zombie fans. So if you into zombies then this is for you. She was supposed to be on this site. we ran out of room and decided that she should have her own site . Its great, and its fun and super cool looking. Just follow the link at the top of this page . Shes super into it and has done a life time of research. This is her life so you can bet on it being good. I promise you wont be sorry.
Thanks you den-master Kenneth. She needs followers and story's so help her out like you have done us.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Theres more then one red eyed man reported.
This is an email we received from another ghost hunter. I am not saying if this is true or not, it is just what I heard. There are a lot of reports on the ghost of a red eyed man. This is one of them and if you want to tell us something email us at ghosts.kansas@live.com. We will post your email as such.
My first run in with the red eyed demon was when i was ten. He attacked in the middle of the night. He scratched my back leaving three long marks down my back that glowed bright red. They faded over the next couple days and i blocked it from my memory till about 6 or 7 months ago when me and my friend Donald went ghost hunting in Richmond, Missouri. We ran into the red eyed demon at this old barn and when he got close to me my back started burning and I fell to the ground in pain. my friend grabbed me and ran out of the building. When we were in the car and away from the barn a ways he realized my shirt on my back was glowing and he asked what that was. I lifted my shirt and he said it was three long marks. He thought the demon got me then but i remembered eight years ago and told him about it. Ever since then I have been looking for the demon to try and find out why he didn't kill me then or when i was younger or if he even wanted to. Or maybe if he was just trying to scare me. Either way I would like answers. But every time I get around anything supernatural my back starts to glow again and burn with immense pain. I have been using it to try and find him but I got nothing so far. I got plenty of info on this demon and if you wanna know more just ask. I just figure this message is long enough for now.
Red-Eyed man. Piper, Kansas.
I don't have any real information on this one other then it's a sad story. I haven't found an eye witnesses about the red eyed man, but a girl was brutally murder by her sister there. The case files on the trial state the Shari killed her little sister out of jealousy. They say Shari was on drugs most of her life. She was convicted along with her boyfriend and one other male, to 25 years for first degree murder. The three beat Syndi, her younger sister, to death and stole some stuff out of the house. Which was later found at her boyfriends house. Shari called the police twice that night. The first about 2:45 am to report that someone had broken into their house. And again around 3:00 am to tell them she found her sister. Syndi's boyfriend told the police Syndi was scared of her sister. And at the funeral she said she 'hated that little bitch'. None of which could be proven. Now for the red eyed man. Only little kids report to see the man and if there is something there it probably was there before the murders. Could that have been what drove Shari crazy enough to kill her sister? And with red eyes? Sounds more like bull to me then a ghost. But what do i know. If there is anything there, it's got to be demonic. I will be resourcing this more. Any information please let me know though comments or email me at ghosts.kansas@live.com
Thanks your Den-master Kenneth.
Jackson Park. South 6th, Atchison, Kansas.
Also known as Molly's Hollow. There are two stories that keep coming up on this one. Molly, a very beautiful girl, was parked there with her boy friend. They had a fight and he left her there. The next day after her prom she was found dead. Hung by her neck in the hollow. Her dress was badly torn. Everyone believed her boy friend did it. He was never charged with the crime, if there was a crime. Some think she hung her self out of sadness about the fight.
Second story is she was a black woman beat and hung by an angry white mob. There can be screams heard around midnight, but are they the screams of a teenage heart broken girl, or the screams of a violently beaten grown women, the stories collide on that one. It is also said you can see the ghostly figure of a woman hanging form the same tree. Further stories tell of a group of kids going into the woods to investigate only to be chased out by a screaming ghostly figure. Thanks your den-master Kenneth
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Elmwood Cemetery/Coffeyville KS
One of the oldest cemeteries around. Most of the head stones are over a hundred years old. The majority of the famous Dalton gang is buried there. A favorite hang out for college students who dare each other to go there at midnight. Strange noises and shadowy figures chase you around the place. Everyone that enters has an uneasy, creepy feeling when they are there. The Dalton gang started out on the right side of the law and were even appointed deputy marshals. Frank Dalton the oldest brother was deputy marshal for the federal court around Nov. 27th 1887. He later died in a gun battle against the Smith-Dixon gang, trying to arrest them. Later, Grat Dalton, one of the brothers, was shot in the arm trying to follow his brothers footsteps. In 1890 was the first time reportedly the brothers went to the bad side. When they were accused of stealing horses and selling them. They began their run from the law just outside of Clare more. Then on Feb. 6th 1891 they robbed the Southern Pacific Rail Road. Or so the story goes. After several more robberies and joining some different gangs, they strolled into Coffeyville with the intentions of holding up two different banks . The citizens recognized them and armed themselves. The battle was bloody and took the life of most of the gang. Emmett Dalton was injured severely but lived to stand trial for the robberies. But don't think that Coffeyville was the Daltons last stand. They still terrorized the country as the Doolin-Dalton gang for years. Now if you would like to see us stay the night at Elm-wood cemetery please vote for it.
Thanks your Den-Master Kenneth.
Thearosa Bridge
From all the research Ive done a child drown in the creek while her mother watched and called out in horror. There was nothing that could be done. The bridge was burnt down . People report sounds and weather changes unlike anywhere around the site. The main story that I have encountered is if you go to the water and tell Thearosa you have her baby, she will come from the water and attack you. Another story is that she was engaged to one man she had a baby by another man . He was upset and drowned the baby. Later taken by grief she jumped into the same creek. And other story is that the baby was named Thearosa and her family was pioneers and she taken by indians and her mom searched for her till she died and still searches for the baby till this day.
Now having lost a child this story is close to my heart and I will be investigating soon . But what I cant find is how and what happened to Thearosa , the story's tell of her kid drowning but nothing about her. If anyone has information please send it to us. We will be taking a Ouija board with us to try and contact her, and see if there's anything we can do to help. Now i am not a believer in the afterlife but if there's one thing that could keep me here its my kids. So I am hopeful to see something to let me know there's more out there then just a hole in the ground waiting for us. Any comments don't be afraid to post we need your feed back.
Thanks, Your' Den-Master........ Kenneth.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
This is your web site. Anything you like or don't like let us know. Do you like zombie's? Then Molly's zombie blog is for you. The main purpose of the site is to prove or disprove the existence of ghosts. Send your real life encounters, and we will investigate them. YOUR WEBSITE needs YOUR stories, and help. Over the next couple of days we will be updating with photos and stories. So sit back and enjoy our trips into the multiple realms of hell in the afterlife.
Send you stories to kansas.ghosts@live.com.
Thanks your Den-Master Kenneth
Monday, August 30, 2010
ghosts of Leavenworth Kansas
At Fort Leavenworth the oldest active military post west of the Mississippi, several ghosts are said to be permanent residents. Catherine Suttler is one of the most beloved ghost stories in Leavenworth. The story goes, on a cold morning in 1880 her children went out to collect firewood and never returned. Search parties were sent out but returned nothing. That winter Catherine died of pneumonia and grief. Her husband, upset with the loss of his children and soon after the death of his wife, returned to his Indiana home, later to learn that his children had been found safe and sound and would be returned to him. But Catherine still wanders searching for her lost children. On Halloween, trick-or-treaters are asked if they see Catherine to holler out, "Catherine, your children are safe!"
At 605 McClellan, manifestations of a tall, thin, dark-haired man wearing an army uniform has been reported. Along with dropping temperatures, thumping, banging, and scratching noises heard at all hours of the day and night and footsteps stomping up and down on the stairs.
There are also ghosts that hold tea parties, one plays the harmonica, and Civil war soldiers have been seen in the in nearby woods and on horseback in the barracks.
(author unknown)
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